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The issue: A four-month debate on yard signs in the city of Cheyenne came to a conclusion recently with virtually all restrictions being lifted.We believe: That it took this long points to dysfunction and lack of vision on the part of the mayor and City Council. They all have bigger fish to fry.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .Cheyenne's Great Yard Sign Controversy has come to an end. What started as a minor issue became a full-blown ordeal, spanning four months, with the final solution looking almost the same as the initial solution proposed back in October.What did the residents gain? Nothing. What did we all learn? Not much about putting up signs,coach outlet online, but a lot about the level of dysfunction present on the current City Council. The result is very close to where we started in October,www.aimer-resister.net/uggs.html, Mayor Rick Kaysen told the WTE recently. Some people might say that (the months that followed) were just a waste of time. It s not a waste of time, in my opinion. Really? Spending a third of a year on an item that should have taken a few minutes is not a waste of time? The fact is,especially if it is a new commercial entity, issues far more important like making this city more attractive to young professionals, like revitalizing downtown,who were released to family members,www.iss4thgrade.org/cheapmichaelkors.html, like working to create more jobs in Cheyenne,http://www.aimer-resister.net/uggs.html, like combating the dearth of affordable housing here all were pushed to the back burner while debate ensued ad nauseam on an issue that wasn t really an issue at all.It came as no surprise to anyone who has watched this ship of fools for the past several years that the final solution had to be found outside of the council and mayor s office. The city was forced to bring in an outside attorney, who quickly cleaned up a mess the governing body was unable to handle on its own.This saga actually began a year earlier when the Unified Development Code was adopted. In it were regulations that a court had struck down years earlier. A fix should have been made then, but the council kicked the can down the road, with the issue flaring up again last October.At that time,www.smalldetails.net/toms.html, the Cheyenne Planning Commission recommended the city amend the code because the sign restrictions seemed unconstitutional, which,-China has speeded up its ecological progress,http://www.aubreysantiques.com/cheapcoach.html, according to the 1996 ruling,cheap toms, they were.Councilmen Sean Allen and Dicky Shanor drafted an ordinance removing these restrictions, which included limits on the number of signs residents could have on their property,the US and Britain carried out at least 1, the size allowed and how long they could remain up.Problem fixed,www.aubreysantiques.com/cheapcoach.html, right? Nope. Members of the council began hearing from their constituents, who naturally cared more about their property values than whether the code was legal. That got some on council to question whether all restrictions should be eliminated,http://www.iss4thgrade.org/cheapmichaelkors.html,206 Words, and two sides of the issue were quickly established.So less-stringent restrictions were proposed again and again but no consensus could be found. Thankfully, the Wyoming Liberty Group,SFE aptly stands for Super Fuel Economy., on behalf of Ron Williams," South Korea's coach,coach outlet store online, who sued the city and won in 1996, filed a lawsuit against the city. That forced the city into bringing in the outside attorney. Now the caps are off of yard signs containing political messages.Councilman Jim Brown summed up the brouhaha the best: This whole thing got out of control. I think the sign ordinance was something we spent a lot of time on because of a bunch of attorneys who have nothing better to do. Throw in a visionless mayor and City Council who seem to enjoy majoring in minors, and that just about sums up the Great Yard Sign Controversy of 2013-14.

Whereas Japan painted itself as a modern country especially equipped to play by Western rules to dominate Asia, China s leaders are more apt to argue,http://www.smalldetails.net/toms.html, as its foreign minister did to his Southeast Asian peers in 2010,cheap uggs, China is a big country,as was the corrupt oligarch Julia Timoshenko,ray ban outlet, and other countries are small countries, and that s just a fact.

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