32 state coaches of the year honored

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Yreka High cross country coach Pam Borg was honored Saturday night at the California Coaches Association Awards Banquet in Sacramento,while 15 per cent had been Labour voters, California.Recently, Borg was named the Northern California Boys Cross Country Coach of the Year by the California Coaches Association. Borg has helped the cross country program to be recognized as one of the elite cross country teams in the state. She led the Miners team to the Division 4 CIF State title last fall. Yreka also earned a boys D4 state title in 2011.Below, Borg talks about the event. There were 32 NorCal/SoCal coaches from 16 different sports, 32 state coaches of the year honored,to hear the early stages. However, plus Hall of Fame inductees and other distinguished service awards presented at the 57th Annual California Coaches Association Awards Banquet. I was thrilled to meet so many other sports coaches from all over the State sharing their passion for coaching. I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with some past coaching friends from the SF Bay Area where I originally lived and worked. The night was filled with good food, a lot of humor and great stories about great coaches who touched the lives of so many young people on an everyday basis. I felt very honored to be part of this select group of coaches. It wasn't just an honor for me, but for my assistant coach Brady Svilich,www.siresays.com/cheaprayban.html, and all the athletes,www.smalldetails.net/toms.html, parents, school members,ray ban outlet, and community that allow me to do what I love to do and share in our success. And special thanks to Marie Caldwell and my daughter,Students can meet their teachers and peers at one of several "Community Days, Theresa,http://www.aubreysantiques.com/cheapcoach.html, for coming down and sharing this special moment with me.

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